Psst…I’m going to let you in on a little secret about humans.
We’re not all that different from one another.
All humans. All careers. All races, genders, religions, etc. Even lawyers.
We like to think we’re different and unique in our struggles and that no one understands us.
But that’s not the truth.
In fact, that belief only increases our suffering through feeling isolated and misunderstood.
These are the 3 common reasons why we suffer:
1. We feel and believe “I am not enough.”
2. We give our power away to other people.
3. We don’t take radical responsibility for our thoughts, actions, results, and lives.
How do I know this?
A) I’m human and have experienced all of this.
B) Humans have been writing about these same struggles since the beginning of time. See Stoic philosophy as an example.
C) I’ve spent hours and hours and hours of my life over the past 10 years listening to and talking with a wide variety of humans, and these are common themes that arise.
D) Psychology research and literature discusses these common experiences. Many self-help books are around these same topics.
As humans, most of us:
- Think other people and outside circumstances are the causes behind our thoughts and feelings. So much so that we don’t even have an awareness of our own thoughts and feelings.
- Believe any old thought or story our mind feeds us.
- Don’t take responsibility for our life or our results because we don’t know our own power.
- Have zero failure tolerance. None.
- Live our entire lives based on what other people think, which is actually just based on what we think other people think. We don’t even know what their actual thoughts are. We just make the thoughts up and try to get their approval from what we think they want!
- Try to people-please to survive. Which means we lie to everyone, even to ourselves.
- Have a low standard for success and what is possible.
- Spend most of our time with people who don’t want what we want, so not having what we want always feels okay and normal.
- Are wired to steer away from anything that makes us uncomfortable and conditioned to spend our money on THINGS instead of emotional health.
Taking radical responsibility for yourself is the basis for transformative change with coaching.
The day you decide you want to take responsibility for your circumstances and stop blaming everyone else for your suffering (the senior partners, or your assistant, or your spouse, or the judge, or the billable requirements, or the dog, or what the kids are up to and why you can’t have x or don’t have y) is the day your life will radically change.
To achieve something great and unlock your potential to create a life and career you love, you have to learn what your thoughts are. You have to learn who you are and how to feel every emotion, regardless of what’s happening with other people.
You have to create feelings on purpose.
You have to learn to believe new things and let go of old beliefs.
You have to differentiate between other people’s opinions and your own.
You have to be willing to be different.
Declare what you really want, and then work in massive action to get it.
Ask yourself, “Why not?” We come up with limitless reasons as to why something isn’t possible. Start coming up with limitless reasons as to why it is possible!
Grow your failure tolerance.
Prepare for other people to disagree or feel uncomfortable and unhappy with your life changes, and still move forward.
Harness the power of your own mind and get out of your own way.
STOP believing you are not enough and have something to prove to the world.
START telling yourself:
“I am enough.”
“I have worth and value.”
“And I am my own fairy godmother. No one is going to come rescue me.”
THIS is what coaching gets you.
Emotional health. Emotional wellness. Confidence. Self-trust. Freedom.
After all, what are material things if on the inside you feel lonely, miserable, isolated, overwhelmed, and not enough?
So, lawyers, if you are feeling unsatisfied despite success on paper… if you are feeling overwhelmed and isolated because you think everyone else has it together and some *secret* to success … If you’ve tried just working harder or doing more, or just pushing through only to get the same results…
Know you are not alone. Most humans have the exact same experience.
The life you are craving is possible by deciding you want it to be different, taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions (or inactions), and reclaiming your power.
By deciding You are enough.
And by being willing to step outside your comfort zone and take a leap of faith that when you jump, where you land may just be much more amazing than where you are today.
Ready to take that leap? Book a Consultation Call today, and let’s get started!