How to Set Boundaries with Your Inbox
Remember those days not so far in the distant past when you sent letters to opposing counsel in the mail? Then you went about your business and expected it would take weeks for a response. Or you called and left a message, then waited a few days for a return phone call. Cases still moved […]
Feed Your Fire Checklist
I have a new Feed Your Fire Checklist available for download. This blog is going to cover what it is, why it is important, and how to use it. Download Here Many lawyers come to me and they say things like “I am overwhelmed. There is not enough time. There’s too much to do. I […]
Feeding Your Fire
If you are tired of running a never-ending marathon of trying to prove you are good enough to everyone, then let’s stop the race. You can change this. The longest relationship you have in your life is with yourself. You spend more time with yourself than any other person and more time thinking about yourself […]
How thinking like a lawyer can be helping and hurting you at the same time
When we want to make changes in our lives, we look at changing our behaviors and our thoughts. If you want long-lasting transformation in your life, you have to target your thoughts and transform them.
Your Brain is Your Superpower for Change
If I asked you what is holding you back from having a career and life you love, what would be your answer? Would you look to factors at your firm, other people in your personal life, or client demands? Would you name stressors related to kids or finances?
Emily’s Story
I have been fascinated by humans and human behavior from a very early age. As a child, you could often find my nose in a book and my mom described me as a voracious reader. I loved being transported to other worlds and absorbing the character’s stories. I loved observing those around me and figuring […]