Why NOW is the best time to start.
When is the ideal time to start working with a coach? I might say yesterday or today. One could say there is never an “ideal” time. Life is always in session. There is always work, a to-do list, appointments, deadlines, chores, and problems to resolve. Time does not stand still. You are not given the […]
How to Increase Your Ability to Focus
Most lawyers and professionals I work with have goals to improve time management and productivity. There are many components to these two areas we address together long-term, but one critical skill is your ability to focus when doing the work. There are so many distractions competing for your attention all day it can feel impossible […]
10 Tips for Winter Wellbeing
The holidays and winter can be challenging times for people. If your firm or corporation runs year-end on the calendar year, there may be extra pressure to get those billable hours in or finalize year-end deals. There are holiday parties to attend, gifts to purchase and wrap, and creating the magic of the season for […]
How Running Out of Gas Made Me Wonder if You are Running on Empty
There we were on a sunny Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago, sitting on the side of the I-40 – an eight-lane highway in this location – stuck on a narrow shoulder, feeling the whoosh of the cars flying by us at 80 mph. The car had turned off, power steering was gone, and my […]
The WHY Behind My Coaching Business
“It feels like someone really cares about the attorneys.” I’ve had more than one person say this after a CLE presentation. And it’s true. I do care about attorneys, and I am on a mission to bring wellness and improved quality of life to this field. It’s also true that the other lawyer coaches […]
Why You Suffer and How Coaching can Help
Psst…I’m going to let you in on a little secret about humans. We’re not all that different from one another. All humans. All careers. All races, genders, religions, etc. Even lawyers. We like to think we’re different and unique in our struggles and that no one understands us. But that’s not the truth. In fact, […]
9 Tips for Kicking Procrastination to the Curb
Today’s blog focuses on tips to kick your procrastination habit to the curb! Last week we talked about the reasons we procrastinate and how procrastination is related to our emotional regulation. Your goal for the week was to start exploring your thoughts and feelings related to time and tasks. Now that you’ve discovered what’s going […]
7 Proven Reasons for Procrastination
Let’s talk about a big saboteur: Procrastination. All of us have been guilty of it at some point in our lives, some more than others. Many people believe that procrastination is a time management or organizational issue. They beat themselves up about why they just can’t get their sh*t together. Or, other people judge the […]
Truth or Lie: “I Don’t Have Enough Time”
A common statement I hear from lawyers: “I don’t have enough time.” This is either: A fact because your workload is too high from a purely mathematical perspective (i.e., you have 16 hours of work and 8 hours to do it). Or, it’s a lie you’re telling yourself based on A.) Your feelings of being […]
Take Charge of Tracking Your Time
“Time, time, time, see what’s become of me While I looked around for my possibilities” – Simon & Garfunkel, Hazy Shade of Winter Time. The tedious task of tracking each 0.6 of your life. The demand, stress, and worry of billing enough daily and monthly to meet your boss’s expectations or your income needs if […]
How to Control the Controllables
Let’s be honest. Lawyers love having control. You have a case. Your aim is to win. You want to control as many variables as possible to make that outcome happen. You don’t want anyone or anything messing up your path from A to B. We all want control, certainty, and predictability. Our brain craves […]
12 Steps to Overcome a Moment of Overwhelm
You open your inbox, and there are 25 unread emails. You look at the files on your desk, and they are stacked 10 inches high. Your text messages are blowing up from clients, colleagues, and family members. The reminders ding on your phone – either ones you set or ones your firm sends to you. […]